Lunes, Agosto 14, 2017

LOG that reflects the current use and iteraction with Media and Information

3 hours
4 hours
3 hours
5 hours
3 hours
2 hours

Defining Key Concepts

 → Physical Objects that used to communicate with or the mass communication through physical objects such as radio, television, computers, or films. etc..   


- The broad term that covers processed data, knowledge derived from study, experience, instruction, signals or symbols.

     -The ability of an individual, working independently and with others, to responsibly, appropriately and effectively use technology tools to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and communicate information.

    -The essential skills and competencies that allow individuals to engage with media and other information providers effectively, as well as develop critical thinking and life long learning skills to socialize and become active citizens.


Huwebes, Agosto 10, 2017

What Makes An individual literate in media and information

         The media makes an individual literate in Media and Information is to engage in a digital society but we need to understand and analyze enable to get more information and can communicate easily.
It is our ability to recognize when information is needed to locate and evaluate so that we can effectively communicate information in various formats. But if we understand enough the use of Media and technology then we can also able to access and create messages in different media forms.

By; Leonard Dela Cruz
  & Bryan Narciso



  Hello Guys!! First and foremost we would like to say that we are only a beginners doing this blog. but before that may we introduce our name first:
I am Leonard P. Dela Cruz, I'm 17 years old and this is my partner Bryan D. Narciso, also he's 17 years old. Both of us are Senior High School Students in Punong Grande National High School. We create this blog to write our thoughts, feelings and opinions about a certain topics.
             In that way, We can express and access information and we can easily communicate by other people by using our technology. It is important to have this blog because sooner or later we know how to think critically and create our own learning records through reflections. We, as a student we are able to understand and think critically enable to gain more knowledge.

Martes, Agosto 8, 2017

What is Media and Information Literacy?? (Advantage & Usage)

 For us, The Media and Information Literacy is an easy way to access and communicate with other people.
It is important to learn this topic because we can used this in our every day's  lives. We can also gain and build our knowledge or its either our perspective about the role of our Media, its because of our technology nowadays. We need to value and understand how this media helps in our daily lives because as we observe nowadays people are using technology enable to access ,create and communicate information or maybe to communicate by other people! :))

By; Leonard Dela Cruz
   & Bryan Narciso

Why use Blog/E portfolio?

            We used blog/e portfolio because based on our understanding is that we need to display or create our reflection specifically what we have learned in the subject that we've study. We can also write in this blog our self-expression and understanding about a matter that we've been talked about!also, the main purpose of this blog is to write our expressions, feelings and ideas enable to broaden our knowledge and perspectives.